Ayaan Esmail


Ayaan Esmail

Ayaan Esmail is a 15 year old intern @ UHN (One of the top 5 hospital networks in the world), working with their technology team to define methods in which we can bring preventative healthcare technologies to the hospital, and how we can improve the overall patient experience of preventative healthcare with compassion. Before this he was working in preventative healthcare founding his own startup in which he was taking in different patient biomarkers and preventing lung cancer months before its occurence. On the side he’s been captured by CBC & Global News to talk about his overall views and mental models on the way the world works, and has spoken in Dubai, at TED events, and at the world’s largest business and creativity conference (C2 Montreal) Oh and Snoop Dogg and Richard Branson also spoke. How it all started? A human accelerator that basically turns kid from average, to your not so average company building, around the world speaking, preventing disease joes. So even if you have the slightest urge to see whose creating the next Elon Musks, check The Knowledge Society out.